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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-10 15:56:43 | 移动端:学校100周年校庆晚会英语邀请函

September 1, 2011

Dear XXX:

  How are you? September 24is the 100 anniversary day of our school,and an evening party will be held for celebration in the school auditorium at 20:00 on September 24, 2011. There are going to be many wonderful programs, such as singing, dancing, opusculum, comic dialogue. Participates in the personnel includes school leaders, teachers, schoolmates and famous people.I sincerely invite you to attend it!

  Give me a call or write me a note as soon as you decide. My telephone is 12345678.

  I wish you would come and join us.

  Your old classmate:XXX

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