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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-14 12:18:38 | 移动端:中学责任主题英文国旗下讲话演讲稿:责任伴随我们的人生


    Dear teachers and fellow students. Good morning!  Today the topic of our speech is : Responsibilities in our life.

    Li Shizhen, a doctor in the Ming dynasty, had already enjoyed a good reputation at the age of 38.  But he resolutely left the palace and resigned from the Imperial Hospital. Then he travelled the lands and lakes to collect herbs and wasn’t afraid of the cold, wind, or storm. He finally wrote the Compendium of Materia Medica in his latter years. He understood that it was his responsibility to cure the sick!

    Around here, such is a common sight: students always stay in class; the lights, doors and windows are closed before they leave; The class leader always serves the class with due diligence. Class representatives diligently send and receive each group’s work;they take pains to move a tall stack of paper up and down the stairs; The homeroom teacher carefully manages class affairs, paying close attention to each student silently. They behave in different ways, but they can all be described with the same words: carrying one’s own responsibility.

    Think of back through our lives, it was full of responsibilities. Different roles have different responsibilities. When you are a student, it is your duty to study hard. As children, it is one’s duty to honor one’s parents. As friends, mutual concern is one’s responsibility. At the same time, I believe that responsibility is by no means empty words. In my eyes, responsibility should not be an mindfully required, but more so be autonomous, natural behavior, with practice. When you take responsibility as an goal, as an eventual of unconscious, natural behavior, I believe that you are not far from success.

    Thank you for your time.

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