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Attention left-behind children关爱留守儿童英语

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-17 12:07:29 | 移动端:Attention left-behind children关爱留守儿童英语

Attention left-behind children关爱留守儿童英语

Abstract: Nowww.bsmz.netost parents of left-behind children take jobs in cities, www.bsmz.netonth, the last day of the Chinese lunar newww.bsmz.netent statistics showww.bsmz.neten, Hubei Province, showww.bsmz.netost pressing concerns for such children are tutoring, psychological help, security, financial support and communications. To deal www.bsmz.netade claim that children are future of the country, then www.bsmz.nete alone - most are left in the custody of grandparents - but the separation from their parents www.bsmz.nete, 52% of children go home after school to go to cattle and sheep, cattle, and the little children to help grandma and grandpa to do farm www.bsmz.net our education www.bsmz.netents. Teachers only to establish a good relationship betwww.bsmz.netper like 10,000 people", "100 people, all kinds," "100 over 100 individuals the heart. according to the actual situation, the right remedy. the so-called comprehensive and profound understanding of the fact that it is necessary to understand the students past and present; students also understand the growww.bsmz.net and help them get their confidence, listen to their voices. the only www.bsmz.netay be aggrieved, misunderstood students, thus making impossible the right education. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary for teachers to knowww.bsmz.netboo cage www.bsmz.netistakes. Teaching students to respect the personality, self-esteem and legitimate interests and hobbies. In the process of education, teachers and students to equal treatment, so that students feel that they are truly one of character and dignity of people. Students ironic, sarcastic and reprimand, verbal abuse and corporal punishment, to set up backwww.bsmz.netore than teachers in some areas the situation is a lot there. A dialectical mind, teachers must face up to be good at this point, www.bsmz.netpletion of the task. Family education for young people, some even extend life. To foster qualified socialist newww.bsmz.netily education absence, the local government should take effective measures, for "left-behind children" to build a good growww.bsmz.netents of hunan province, the www.bsmz.netent efforts to the good school circumjacent environment, strengthening the supervision of even cancel around the school receives the nets and minors, halls, LuXiangTing etc, increase students" safety and school www.bsmz.neteasures are nowww.bsmz.netake a difference together. That"s all. Thank you.

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