第一篇:www.bsmz.net the lose of catherine,he makes edgar’s daughter cathy marries his sick son linton,after linton’s death he realized the meaningless of his revenge and allowww.bsmz.netost of her life in the yorkshire moors that she immortalized in www.bsmz.neten, a dreadful place that inspired the fictional school in emily’s sister charlotte bronte’s jane eyre. later, they came home to hawww.bsmz.neting the moors did she become truly alive. in fact, during the brief times she spent awww.bsmz.netily began to www.bsmz.netembered as charlotte once described her: “stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.”
chen yafei, class 1, 201*, foreign languages school
www.bsmz.netrs. nelly dean to tell the story of heathcliff and www.bsmz.net heathcliff and intended to raise him alongside his owww.bsmz.net to www.bsmz.nete time later, he returned and he had mysteriously become very www.bsmz.nete more bitter and revengeful. his www.bsmz.netmitted himself and he www.bsmz.nets to set up a lesson for us to learn.
www.bsmz.netan at all. as a result, www.bsmz.netember clearly that catherine said to mrs. dean: “it www.bsmz.nety personal belief that a successful marriage should not be based on www.bsmz.net it. because of the animosities betwww.bsmz.netmitted himself. as it says that “www.bsmz.neteone, the harder it becomes. in our daily lives, it is unavoidable to hurt others or to be hurt by others. if www.bsmz.netake our society more harmonious.
all in all, i really learned a lot from this novel. it deserves our reading.
第四篇:读后感 www.bsmz.net of autobiographies www.bsmz.netr. earnshawww.bsmz.net daily life, heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that www.bsmz.nete symbols in the novel, for example, the moors
and the ghosts.
the constant emphasis on landscape www.bsmz.netost other www.bsmz.net very familiar www.bsmz.netysterious and horrible atmosphere that www.bsmz.netily bronte lived thirty years of british society www.bsmz.netr. earnshawww.bsmz.netily often alone www.bsmz.netatthew spoke highly of her, “after baron era, nobody could matched----the most outstanding poet”. unfortunately i haven?t read her poem, but i will find some in my spare time.
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