good morning,ladies and gentleman.www.bsmz.netents and reaserches, as www.bsmz.netp;a session,www.bsmz.nete in www.bsmz.netation, regulators www.bsmz.netent trend of china’s science-technology finance and economic growww.bsmz.netiss www.bsmz.nete mr jxs www.bsmz.netrs hu www.bsmz.netiss.www.bsmz.neten,
i shall end here by thanking you for coming to the the 5th international finance conference. i hope that you have benefited much from the conference and from discussions www.bsmz.neten, you have my best www.bsmz.neteeting):经理(manager)与下属的会议。
4.碰头会(team meeting):分工合作的同事一起开的会。
5.非例行会议(ad-hoc meeting):为了一个专门的目的开的会。
6.管理层会议(management meeting):经理们开的会。
7.董事会会议(board meeting):董事会(board of directors)开的会。
8.一对一会议(one-on-one meeting):两个人开的会。
9.外出静思会/退修会(off-site meeting/offsite retreat):在英国叫awww.bsmz.netent conference):诉讼案件(lawww.bsmz.netachinery.
nowww.bsmz.nete the speech by professor cc
thank professor cc for his excellent remarks cc. after pre cc’s report is there any specific question you www.bsmz.neted scholar and educator. your participation www.bsmz.net 董事会会议室
high-tech 高科技
flip chart 挂图
bulletin board公告牌
lighting 灯光,照明
incandescent lighting白炽灯
fluorescent lighting 荧光灯
room setup 会议室设置/布局
sight line视线
binder 装订机
laptop comp(公文素材库www.bsmz.netost common meeting formats, www.bsmz.net.
6) there is no writing surface or area for handout materials.没有供书写的桌面或摆放资料的地方。
7) this format can take several shapes, which include closed classroom with no center aisle,
open classroom which has rows with aisles to provide easy access to seats...
8) have a bearing on
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