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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 01:00:13 | 移动端:商务英语专业自荐信--英文版(精选多篇)


personal basic information:

full name: leenian sex: female

date of birth: may21, 1988

marital status: single

height: 1.66m health: www.bsmz.nety major and have got high marks in my curriculums. moreover, i entered many tests and got some certificates, like cet-4,

yet, i am not just a bookwww.bsmz.netport and export corporation during july and november. through five months www.bsmz.netent of insurance business, www.bsmz.netain idea of the specialized train and the treasure of group spirit. from these, i had my personal ability promotion and grasp human affairs of our society, to make a good beginning for the trip of my www.bsmz.nete the necessary survival capability of our modern society. the former british prime minister www.bsmz.netbrella for us before the cloudy and rainy coming to reduce the risk to us. insurance is not the symbol of fortune but its safeguard. buy the bills of insurance is not the consumption but the investment that could make your future better.

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full name: leenian sex: female

date of birth: may21, 1988

marital status: single

height: 1.66m health: www.bsmz.netent because of my excellent www.bsmz.netport and export corporation during july and november. through five months work, i had the further understanding to the international trade work.

i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience.

thank you for your consideration.

best wishes,

yours sincerely




您好! 201*年,我将毕业于鹰潭学院外语系商务英语专业。我自幼在山清水秀的宜春长大,家乡的山赐给了我健康的身体,水更赋予了我灵气和智慧。现在我惴着梦想,踏出校园,步入社会,在纷繁的市场中充满自信地找寻着人生的新起点。我鼓足勇气叩响贵单位的大门,我深信门里必定是一个充满着生机与活力的世界。








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