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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 05:46:11 | 移动端:口号用英语

never give up 永不放弃 i believe i can do something to make the www.bsmz.nets alive, you www.bsmz.netodesty benefits

5.世上唯有贫穷可以不劳而获.nothing is to be got www.bsmz.netselves

9.欲速则不达.more haste,less speed

10.台上一分钟,台下十年功.one minute on the stage needs ten years practice off stage

11.好的开端是成功的一半.www.bsmz.netembrance of the past is the teacher of the future

19.君子之交淡如水.a hedge betwww.bsmz.netbition of a swww.bsmz.netedicine tastes bitter

34.知识就是力量.knowww.bsmz.netan has his price

40.看破生死的人能成大事.he www.bsmz.netan proposes,god deposes

46.众人拾柴火焰高.many hands make light www.bsmz.netoke www.bsmz.netan loves his swww.bsmz.net of heaven is near

忏悔吧,因为天国已经 不远了

66.rejoicing in hope, patienting in trabulation

从希望中得到快乐, 在磨难中保持坚韧

67.never put off until tomorrowww.bsmz.net: "be

back in 5 minutes, sit! stay!"

兽医的(本文来自公文素材库:www.bsmz.nete on !!! it"s nice to be important,but it"s more important to be nice. join it and enjoy it! start ahead nothing is impossible engineered

go all out to do everything 全力以赴 for the love of sports 为运动而战 sure www.bsmz.net around the world to flower as one 1996,亚特兰大:the celebration of the century 1992,巴塞罗那:friends forever 1988,汉城:harmony and progre1884,洛杉矶:play part in history 3、历届亚运会举办城市与口号 xx, 16th, guangzhou, china, 广州:thrilling games, harmonious asian xx, 15th, doha, qatar, 多哈:the games of your life xx, 14th, busan, south korea, 釜山:new vision, new asia; one asia, global busan 1998, 13th, bangkok, thailand, 曼谷:friendship beyond frontiers 1994, 12th, hiroshima, japan, 广岛:asian harmony 1990, 11th, beijing, china, 北京:unity, friendship, progre1st—10th, 前十届使用同一句口号:ever onward [戏谑链接:make a difference=英文缩略词mad,巧合!] (the end)







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