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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 06:44:31 | 移动端:六级写作指导


一、 六级写作综述


二、 六级写作框架

正反对立观点作文;第一段,陈述现状①nowww.bsmz.neticroblog enables its users to convey their emotions and individual thoughts more conveniently坏的方面:沉溺微博,浪费时间Being addicted to the microblg is nothing but a waste of our precious and limited time

节约浪费万能句:好处方面:It will help us save a great deal of time (and money)坏的方面:Sth is nothing but a waste of our precious that

① 二手货网站盛行:好处:这可以是那些经济条件差的人省很多钱

It enables those who havelow financial conditions to save a great deal of money坏处:无法得到较好的售后服务Customers are usually not provided with decent aftea-sale services,无法保证质量It is very hard to ensure the quality of products ② 城市用电紧张electricity crisis 相当多的人毫无意识地浪费电Quite a few people waste electricity without even realizing it

③ 家长要求孩子寄宿学校;好处:注销可以节约很多的来往家与学校的时间,因此我们可以集中时间和精力在学业上Living on campus can save us a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday,so we would be concentrate more time and energy on study坏处:和父母沟通的时间减少了Students have less opportunities to communicate with their parents,which have a negative impact on the development of their personal character

④信用卡的广泛使用credit cards:好的方面:使用户获得更多的便利服务Credit card enables its owners to obtain more services conveniently不好的方面:养成过度消费的习惯Credit card will lead people to develop a habit of excessive consumption.

④ 社交网站的广泛使用social-networkong site好处:这是一种获得娱乐和放松的来源Social-networking site is a convenient source of recreation and relaxation交友方便Social

networking site enables its uses to make friends with people who share the common interest坏处:有很多骗子Online friendship is sometimes very dangerous because there are cheaters on the net.

来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。
