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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 06:50:14 | 移动端:雅思写作素材


www.bsmz.netore money means financial security and that leads to higher job satisfaction.


Nowww.bsmz.netething like it about to change the www.bsmz.netpletely different to www.bsmz.netoting 鼓励 www.bsmz.netputer Technology,就如碰到了福音一样,大喜。因为非常熟悉话题,看似有很多内容可以讨论。但每次在批改完作文后,发现一个非常严重的问题,就是几乎全班同学的讨论观点和理由都是八九不离十,无非就是方便沟通、搜索信息、快捷便利等,极少能够有比较独特的例证。且不说考官会如何评价,光我们几个老师看着都越来越觉得不是个滋味,很是担忧学生是否能够得到比较理想的分数。所以,若想要在写作中取得好的成绩,一定要好好推敲下观点、理由是否能够吸引住考官的眼球! 今天,我们先看其中的一部分,以后逐步增加更多的写作素材。当然这些内容灵活掌握也可以运用到口语当中的。

Hi-tech companies strive to lead in 努力领先the invention, development and manufacture of the industry"s most advanced information technologies, and translate 转变 these advanced technologies into value for customers through its professional solutions, services and consulting businesses www.bsmz.net the

European parliament concluded yesterday that computer games are good for children and teach them essential life skills 生存技能.

Contrary to fears about the violent reputation 负面影响 of some games, there is no firm proof 充足的证据 that playing them has an automatic negative impact on children"s behavior, for example by causing aggression 侵害/伤害, said the report from the committee on the internal market and consumer protection. Instead, "video games can stimulate learning of facts and skills such as strategic thinking, creativity, cooperation and innovative thinking, www.bsmz.netent conceded that "violence in video games can in certain situations 某种情况下 stimulate violent behaviour 暴力行为," but said there www.bsmz.net the video gaming sector amounted to 上升到 more than

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