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经典英文演讲稿——The rhythm of life(精选多篇)

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:27:02 | 移动端:经典英文演讲稿——The rhythm of life(精选多篇)

第一篇:经典英文演讲稿 The rhythm of life

howww.bsmz.netarathon in my hometowww.bsmz.net to keep running at The same pace but he said no, he www.bsmz.netiliated as more and more people ran passed me. more than once i thought “maybe i should quit.” i started to doubt my ability to finish this race.

at this moment, my running mate caught up www.bsmz.nete, www.bsmz.netust learn to balance pride and modesty. and from The www.bsmz.net of life

howww.bsmz.netarathon in my hometowww.bsmz.net to keep running at The same pace but he said no, he www.bsmz.netiliated as more and more people ran passed me. more than once i thought “maybe i should quit.” i started to doubt my ability to finish this race.

at this moment, my running mate caught up www.bsmz.nete, www.bsmz.netust learn to balance pride and modesty. and from The www.bsmz.net of life


The rhythm of life

howww.bsmz.netarathon in my hometowww.bsmz.net to keep running at The same pace but he said no, he www.bsmz.netiliated as more and more people ran passed me. more than once i thought “maybe i should quit.” i started to doubt my ability to finish this race.

at this moment, my running mate caught up www.bsmz.nete, www.bsmz.netust learn to balance pride and modesty. and from The www.bsmz.net) www.bsmz.nety heart.

rain, please tell me, nowww.bsmz.nete cry in vain,

and let me be alone again.

ooh listen to The falling rain...

第五篇:The meaning of life演讲稿

The meaning of life


dear friends, today i’d like to share some thoughts www.bsmz.netonths old, his parents www.bsmz.netoTher gave him a computer. Then chen hao began his www.bsmz.netinute of his life, he still www.bsmz.netay not be in front, but death may not be in behind.

as www.bsmz.neteaning of life. it is time for us to think about how to make a difference in our life.

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