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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:29:11 | 移动端:中英文对照


【机械工程学院】college of mechanical engineering

机械设计制造及其自动化 mechanical engineering and automation

1.机械制造及其自动化 mechanical manufacturing and its automation

2.机械设计及理论 mechanical design and theory

3.机械电子工程 machinery electronics engineering

4.车辆工程 vehicle engineering

工业设计 industrial design

机械系 department of mechanical engineering

机械制造工艺及设备machinery manufacturing process and equipment

【材料科学与工程学院】college of materials science and engineering 从材料成型机控制工程 material shaping and control engineering 金属材料工程 metallic materials engineering

无机非金属材料工程 inorganic nonmetallic materials engineering 冶金工程 metallurgical engineering

高分子材料与工程 polymer materials and engineering 材料物理 materials physics

材料化学 chemistry of materials

1.材料物理与化学 materials physics and chemistry

2.材料科学与工程 materials science and engineering

3.材料加工工程 materials processing engineering

4.钢铁冶金 iron and steel metallurgy

5.有色金属冶金 nonferrous metallurgy

【电气与动力工程学院】 college of electrical and powww.bsmz.nets engineering

3.模式识别与智能系统 pattern recognition and intellectual system

通讯工程 communication engineering


1.通信与信息系统 communication and information system

2.信号与信息处理 signal and information processing

电子科学与技术 electronic science and technology

培养方向:控制理论与控制工程 control theory and control engineering

【计算机科学与技术学院】 college of computer engineering and softwww.bsmz.net 泌尿、肿瘤外科urologic. gumorsurgery dept.妇科gynecology dept. 内二科internal medicine.www.bsmz.net is not perfect and the chaos of the financial relationship is an important factor in a corporate financial risk. compared www.bsmz.netported products, unfavorable import business. inflation, www.bsmz.nete companies in order to expand sales volume and sales, the blind use of credit strategy, ignoring the investigation of the customer"s repayment ability and creditwww.bsmz.net should be open, including not only the internal financial information, including external information. the most critical system information to continuously update information systems to constantly upgrade, to ensure the timeliness, accuracy and effectiveness of the financial information. (2) the key and core of the gap of a sound financial risk and the mechanism for handling financial early www.bsmz.netplicated and demanding of reasons, financial risk early www.bsmz.netely, the cost of debt, if business is poor, it www.bsmz.netprove the accounting system and accounting standards, china promulgated the "accounting standards" is a more complete accounting regulations, but there are still some limitations, the main body of accounting policy choices can still take advantage of opportunities to pursue their owww.bsmz.netprove company performance appraisal system www.bsmz.nete time, to guide investors through various means and transferred to the pursuit of accounting profits to maximize the pursuit of the company to maximize the value of the track up.



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谢谢来函告知我方六月2-7日格林先生的来访。不巧,我们的总经理艾得华先生现正在巴黎,到六月中旬才能回来。但他回 来后愿意在任何时间会见格林先生。








酒店介绍 中英文对照

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