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Let stand up from where we fall down

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:29:57 | 移动端:Let stand up from where we fall down
第一篇:Let stand up from www.bsmz.netid night in 1993.expectations filled our hearts.

www.bsmz.neteone said,www.bsmz.netaybe,www.bsmz.netpared www.bsmz.netportant for the www.bsmz.netid night in 1993.expectations filled our


www.bsmz.neteonesaid,www.bsmz.netaybe,www.bsmz.netpared www.bsmz.net of beijings olympic bid www.bsmz.netportant for the www.bsmz.netid night in 1993.expectations filled our hearts.

www.bsmz.neteone said,www.bsmz.netaybe,www.bsmz.netuch snowww.bsmz.net)上,结果自己倒下了。

if people run across the road,they may fall dowww.bsmz.net fall off his horse.我看到他从马上掉了下来。

flowww.bsmz.netuch snowww.bsmz.net thebike.)


they spread a big net in case tom should fall off the tree and get hurt.他们张开一张大网以防汤姆从树上掉下来受伤。

fall dowww.bsmz.netbaland)

专辑:《dreaming out loud》

step out the door and it feels like rain 走出门,好像下雨了

that"s the sound, that"s the sound 就是这个声音,就是它

on your windowpane 雨点声声敲打你窗

take to the streets, but you can"t in know 走向街道,此时你还并不明了 that"s the sound, that"s the sound 就是这个声音,就是它

you"re waiting for 你正在等待它

if ever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你快要崩溃

whenever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你就要崩溃 whenever your will starts crashing down 无论何时

that"s when you"ll finds me yeah 我都会出现在你身旁

god love you solly and your aching bones 上帝怜爱你,悲悯你痛苦的灵魂 take a breath, take a step 别着急,慢慢来

make me down below 让我做你的依靠

everyone"s the same our fingers to our toes 世人皆一样

we just can"t get a ride 只是我们没有站在巨人的肩膀

but we"re on the road 但我们正行走在路上

if ever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你快要崩溃

whenever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你就要崩溃 whenever your will starts crashing down 无论何时

that"s when you"ll finds me yeah 我都会出现在你身旁

lost till your"re found 被人发现之前躲起来静静疗伤

swim till you drown 绝境之前决不放弃

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

love till you hate 爱到尽头不必维持

strong till you break 脆弱时候不必坚强

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

if ever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你快要崩溃

whenever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你就要崩溃 if ever your will starts crashing down 无论何时你快要崩溃

that"s when you"ll find find me 我都会出现在你身旁

lost till your"re found 被人发现之前躲起来静静疗伤

swim till you drown 绝境之前决不放弃

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

love till you hate 爱到尽头不必维持

strong till you break 脆弱时候不必坚强

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down~ 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候

all fall down~ 人人都有脆弱时候

lost till your"re found 被人发现之前躲起来静静疗伤 swim till you drown 绝境之前决不放弃

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候 love till you hate 爱到尽头不必维持

strong till you break 脆弱时候不必坚强

know that we all fall down 人人都有脆弱时候


where do we go from here (宪法、导读中的两件事)

my hometown Let me down

we need to wake up

should we borrow money from our friends

what can we learn from history(1)

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