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A Speech at the Wedding 婚礼致词

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:31:50 | 移动端:A Speech at the Wedding 婚礼致词
第一篇:A Speech At the www.bsmz.netr. cArl robert is over one point seven eight metre high, much tAller thAn A chinese gentlemAn of one point seven metre high And the bride is miss tAng ling, Also from our depArtment, www.bsmz.netbles their love thAt cAn undertAke Any storm. every guest present is so pious thAt they give the couple A devout prAy silently. the Aged Are prAying for the couple, sAying thAt cArl robert And tAng ling should love And respect eAch other And live together until old Age, www.bsmz.netmeAsurAbly joy And hAppy thAt they select "golden tong" hotel www.bsmz.nete for us to hAve mellowww.bsmz.nety thAnks to All of you.

thAnk you, my respected And beloved teAchers. it is those dedicAted teAching stuff thAt supported me And mAde it possible for me to get Achievements in this speciAl period of my life. i still remember the dAys www.bsmz.nety thAnks to you!

four yeArs is not too long. it’s you www.bsmz.net so excited is thAt www.bsmz.netember our friendship forever. i Am sure it www.bsmz.nety dreAms. 6 months before ,i chAnge my subject And nowww.bsmz.nety www.bsmz.nete introduce my brother to you! my bro!come here! this is my brother.

牛:(牛深情地转向紫霞)zixiA, listen to me. i think i ‘ve fAllen in love www.bsmz.netArry the guy www.bsmz.nete, 0.01 second i think, the owww.bsmz.nete limit, i’ll sAy this love www.bsmz.nete do something to my boss first. see you tonight.(依依不舍)旁白: the night ……

chApter 3site: dungeon地牢chArActers: 至尊宝、猪八戒、沙僧、唐僧

猪和沙:mAster, mAster (两人同时悄声说)

猪:www.bsmz.netething to tell him.(猪和沙下)

唐:you come in And hAve A sit!

至:to be honest, i’m not your disciple. i don’t www.bsmz.netore, pleAse stop ??

唐:ohoh ??

至:dAmn you, you ? i’ve sAid i cAn’t tAke this Anymore. don’t disturb or i’ll kill you.

唐:monkey king, you cAn kill me. life And deAth Are very minor. www.bsmz.net As fAst As she could And to teAr his heArt out And let him hAve A look.

After the monkey king’s deAth, he AppeArs in the hole of www.bsmz.nety heArt. i felt her sorrowww.bsmz.netAl humAn. you cAn’t hAve humAn desires Anymore. if you do so, the gold ring www.bsmz.nete Another chAnce, i www.bsmz.netebody cAlling me on,she is the one.” to me,you Are the other me in this world。i feel so comfortAble being with you。i remember we sAw A drAculA movie in A summer night And you were so scAred thAt you screAmed And used A pillow to cover your eyes。i remember you AlwAys use your hAnds to wArm my cold hAnds in the severe winter。 i remember we celebrAted your sixteenth birthdAy with your pArents in A rAiny dAy And we just like A fAmily。i love All the hAppy time we hAve。i love All the unforgettAble recollection。i love the spring,summer,fAll And winter which we pAss through hAnd in hAnd。i love you,jill。

Alex,i Ask you to tAke cAre of her And protect her。i believe thAt your sincerity、kindness And responsibility will bring the hAppiness to her。

so if everyone would pleAse stAnd for A toAst。

todAy,All the heArtfelt blessings Are for your mArriAge。mAy you hAve the brilliAnt,sweet And stAble life in the future。mAy the true love support your whole life。



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