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Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address()

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:31:53 | 移动端:Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address()
第一篇:1984 Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address

geraldine ferraro: 1984 Vice Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address

ladies and gentlemen of the convention:

my name is geraldine ferraro. i stand before you to proclaim tonight: america is the land www.bsmz.neteaning can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart." tonight is such a moment for me.

my heart is filled www.bsmz.netan www.bsmz.netise of our country is that the rules are fair. if you www.bsmz.nete an assistant district attorney, and i put my share of criminals behind bars. i believe if you obey the lawww.bsmz.netpaign, fritz mondale and i have put our faith in the people. and www.bsmz.netore. in queens, there are 2,000 people on one block. you www.bsmz.neten and www.bsmz.netaller and smaller. the rules say: everyone in our society should contribute their fair share. it isn't right that this year ronald reagan www.bsmz.neterica www.bsmz.netericans. www.bsmz.neterica to a newww.bsmz.netake the rules of american life www.bsmz.netericans, www.bsmz.net of faith for others.

to those www.bsmz.netericans www.bsmz.netinistration's confusion in the middle east, as it has tilted first towww.bsmz.net this earth as www.bsmz.nety fellowww.bsmz.netination Acceptance Address

《Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address》

Presidential Nomination Acceptance Address

my good friend and great republican, dick nixon, and your charming www.bsmz.netination www.bsmz.netighty republic to be a home for the brave and to flourish as the land of the free -- not to stagnate in the swww.bsmz.net -- freedom made orderly for this nation by our constitutional government; freedom under a government limited by the lawww.bsmz.neten, first www.bsmz.nete at the bay of pigs. failures mark the slowww.bsmz.netinistration www.bsmz.netlessness amongst our youth, anxiety among our elders, and there's a virtual despair among the many www.bsmz.netost. republicans demand it from everyone. they demand it from everyone no matter howww.bsmz.netentally and absolutely www.bsmz.netust be suspect and must be opposed. their mistaken course

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stems from false notions, ladies and gentlemen, of equality. equality, rightly understood, as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences. www.bsmz.net to restore a clear understanding of the tyranny of man over man in the www.bsmz.netinistration the mightiest arsenal for defense the www.bsmz.netind you -- but i www.bsmz.net)et the president, www.bsmz.netands that www.bsmz.netake this abundantly clear: i don't intend to let peace or freedom be torn from our grasp because of lack of strength or lack of www.bsmz.net the suffering of those www.bsmz.netericas, and the venerable and vital peoples and cultures of the pacific. i can see a day www.bsmz.net is not the fruit of every soil. i knowww.bsmz.nety fellowww.bsmz.netust assure a society here www.bsmz.neten and www.bsmz.netotives and accomplishments. www.bsmz.netpacts -- and only then, the national

government. that, let me remind you, is the ladder of liberty, built by decentralized powww.bsmz.neten, not for blind followww.bsmz.net, so focused and so dedicated, not be made fuzzy and futile by unthinking and stupid labels.

i www.bsmz.netake its people conform in computer regimented sameness. our

republican cause is to free our people and light the www.bsmz.netination Acceptance

《Presidential Nomination Acceptance..》

Presidential Nomination Acceptance..

mr. president, ladies and gentlemen of the convention, my fellowww.bsmz.nete. i could not seek it, because i aspired to another office, www.bsmz.nety friends, that you have made your decision, i www.bsmz.neten than i www.bsmz.netination, awww.bsmz.netistake, and www.bsmz.nete for a change," and so on and so on.

www.bsmz.netean both republican parties. nor am i afraid that the democratic party is old and fat and indolent. after a hundred and fifty years, it has been old for a long time, and it www.bsmz.neterit in itself. if our greatest hazard -- if our greatest hazard is preservation of the values of www.bsmz.netult and the shouting die, www.bsmz.nety friends, www.bsmz.netislead the people, and better www.bsmz.nete here tonight and honored me, as he has honored you, the democratic party, by a lifetime of serVice and bravery that www.bsmz.net tonight: america is the land www.bsmz.neteaning can only be articulated by the inaudible language of the heart." tonight is such a moment for me.

my heart is filled www.bsmz.netan www.bsmz.net]

our faith that www.bsmz.nete an assistant district attorney, and i put my share of criminals behind bars. i believe if you obey the lawww.bsmz.netpaign, fritz mondale and i have put our faith in the people. and www.bsmz.netore. in queens, there are 2,000 people on one block. you www.bsmz.neten and www.bsmz.netaller and smaller. the rules say: everyone in our society should contribute their fair share. it isn't right that this year ronald reagan www.bsmz.neterica www.bsmz.netericans. www.bsmz.neterica to a newww.bsmz.netake the rules of american life www.bsmz.netericans, www.bsmz.net of faith for others.

to those www.bsmz.netericans www.bsmz.netinistration's confusion in the middle east, as it has tilted first towww.bsmz.net this earth as www.bsmz.nety fellowww.bsmz.netacarthur: thayer awww.bsmz.netation of this medallion. for all eyes and for all time, it is an expression of the ethics of the american soldier. that i should be integrated in this www.bsmz.netboyant phrase. every pedant, every demagogue, every cynic, every hypocrite, every troublemaker, and i am sorry to say, some others of an entirely different character, www.bsmz.netper of the www.bsmz.nety estimate of him www.bsmz.netples of successful patriotism. he belongs to posterity as the instructor of future generations in the principles of liberty and freedom. he belongs to the present, to us, by his virtues and by his achievements. in 20 campaigns, on a hundred battlefields, around a thousand campfires, i have www.bsmz.netplaining, www.bsmz.netbraces the highest moral lawww.bsmz.netay be, the soldier www.bsmz.nets: of harnessing the cosmic energy; of making www.bsmz.nets, the www.bsmz.net of defense. from your ranks come the great captains www.bsmz.netust suffer and bear the deepest www.bsmz.netmering through the dreams of things that www.bsmz.nety memory, alwww.bsmz.netacarthur thayer award Acceptance Address

Vice-Presidential Nomination

obama accepts Nomination


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