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网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 12:55:57 | 移动端:杨澜ted演讲稿(精选多篇)


yang lan: the generation that"s remaking china

the night before i www.bsmz.neteans "green onion for free." www.bsmz.net different perspectives. but i think being different is good, because you present a different point of viewww.bsmz.netanager for a half an hour, he finally said, "so, miss yang, do you have any questions to ask me?"i summoned my courage and poise and said,"yes, but could you let me knowww.bsmz.nety turn, i stood up and said, "www.bsmz.netinds www.bsmz.netore than a thousand people in the past. and sometimes i have young people approaching me say, "lan, you changed my life," and i feel proud of that. but then www.bsmz.neteimei -- 20 years old, beautiful. she showww.bsmz.nets www.bsmz.neticroblog boomed in the year of 201*, www.bsmz.netost popular blogger -- it"s not me -- it"s a movie star, and she has more than 9.5 million followww.bsmz.netilies www.bsmz.neteans young coupleswww.bsmz.netarried and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to www.bsmz.netost of them don"t www.bsmz.net manufacturing compound in china: 13 young www.bsmz.netselves in a shortage of labor.

these diagrams showww.bsmz.netent towww.bsmz.netassive urbanization and development have let us www.bsmz.netilarly, many other issues concerning public safety is a hot topic on the internet. www.bsmz.netber one market for luxury brands -- that"s not including the chinese expenditures in europe and elsewww.bsmz.netenon called "naked" www.bsmz.netissing children. a father posted his son"s picture onto the internet. after thousands of [unclear], the child www.bsmz.netuch.



the night before i www.bsmz.neteans "green onion for free." www.bsmz.net different perspectives. but i think being different is good, because you present a different point of viewww.bsmz.netanager for a half an hour, he finally said, "so, miss yang, do you have any questions to ask me?" i summoned my courage and poise and said, "yes, but could you let me knowww.bsmz.netore than a thousand people in the past. and sometimes i have young people approaching me say, "lan, you changed my life," and i feel proud of that. but then www.bsmz.neteimei -- 20 years old, beautiful. she showww.bsmz.nets www.bsmz.neticroblog boomed in the year of 201*, www.bsmz.netost popular blogger -- it"s not me -- it"s a movie star, and she has more than 9.5 million followww.bsmz.netilies www.bsmz.neteans young couples www.bsmz.netarried and buy their apartment, they figured out they have to www.bsmz.netost of them don"t www.bsmz.net society about the isolation, both physical and mental, of these migrant www.bsmz.neterica -- showww.bsmz.nete of the hottest topics on microblogging, www.bsmz.netetimes people get killed, and sometimes people set themselves on fire to protest. so www.bsmz.net restaurant slop. so all these things have aroused a huge outcry from the internet. and fortunately, www.bsmz.netwww.bsmz.netedia. and the first picture showww.bsmz.netent. people are thinking about the followww.bsmz.nete-time-saturday celebrity quiz and talk showww.bsmz.netillion.yang"s mother www.bsmz.net 快速增长

23.selected abortion 选择性堕胎 24.favored boys to girls重男轻女

25.pose a potential danger to the society给社会带来不稳定因素

26.illiteracy rate文盲率 27.life expectancy人均寿命 28.tribe of ants蚁族

29. skyrocketing猛涨的 30. migrant www.bsmz.netong this generation is under one percent. this totally indicates that they have great knowww.bsmz.nete of them even return to the countryside a less developed market www.bsmz.netedia, saving those abandoned dogs. in addition, they have the unique spirit of challenging the traditional culture.naked www.bsmz.neticroblog 微型

injustice 不公正

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part 1

scotland 苏格兰

chin’s got talent 千石的got人才

susan boyle 苏珊大妈

parallel 并联

vendor 供应商

managed 管理

lyrics 歌词

nessun dorma 今夜无人入睡

otherness 他物

least expected 至少预期

entertainment 娱乐

perspectives 观点

point of view 点的观点

platform 平台

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part 2

fortunate 幸运

witness 证人

transformation 改造

sheraton 喜来登

interrogated 审问

summoned 传唤

poise 镇静

offended 得罪

prime-time 黄金时段

script 脚本

unheard 闻所未闻


vice versa 反之亦然

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ part 3

social media 社会化媒体

twitter 叽叽喳喳

claimed 声称

chamber of commerce 商会

sensitive 敏感

nerve 神经

aroused 引起

turmoil 动荡

credibility 信誉

controversy 争议

clarify 澄清

investigation 调查

associated 相关

transparency 透明度

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part 4

abortion 流产

pose 提出

potential 潜在

illiteracy 文盲

short supply 供不应求

tribe of ants 部落的蚂蚁

ratio 比

skyrocketing 暴涨

sandwiched 夹

vulnerable 脆弱

inflation 通货膨胀

tightening 收紧

loans 贷款

appreciation 升值

decline 下降

appalling 骇人听闻的

incident 事件

compound 复合

contagious 传染性的

isolation 隔离

upgrade 升级

coastal 沿海

shortage 短缺

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part 5

diagrams 图

engels coefficient 恩格尔系数

dropped 下降

indicating 说明

rising 上升

gini coefficient 基尼系数

inequality 不平等

frustrated 沮丧

losing 失去

mobility 流动

bitterness 苦味

resentment 怨恨

widespread 广泛

accusations 指责

corruption 腐败

backdoor dealings 幕后交易

arouse 唤起

outcry 喊叫

unrest 动荡

accountability 问责制

massive 大规模的

urbanization 城市化

forced 被迫

demolition 拆除

requisition 征用

faked 伪造

refining 提炼

slop 泥浆

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- part 6

policy-making 决策

personal life 个人生活

luxury 豪华

expenditures 支出

consumers 消费者

sense of identity 认同感

social status 社会地位

explicitly 明确

diamond ring 钻戒

banquet 宴会

commitment 承诺

caging 隔离罩

kidnapped 绑架

food processing 食品加工

spotted 斑


witnessed 目击

reunion 团圆

sacrifice 牺牲

reform 改革

sustainability 可持续发展 stability 稳定

capable 能力


content 内容

friction 摩擦

transform 变换


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