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Air Quality Devices - Marketing Research Proposal

网站:公文素材库 | 时间:2019-05-22 13:26:33 | 移动端:Air Quality Devices - Marketing Research Proposal


Andatech is an Australian company that www.bsmz.net
The research problem addressed www.bsmz.netmunity heard about air quality devices?

2. Do university students understand the benefits of using air quality devices?

3. Is there a demand for newww.bsmz.netz.netmunication channel www.bsmz.netodels such as SPSS, ANOVA, hypothesis testing and regression models will be used to analyse and interpret the data.

We will also be using qualitative data and interview students from the university to gather an insight which will display more a personal connection to show us the emotions behind the individual’s answers. This will assist us in gathering a better understanding of the reasons as to why university students have answered the way they did in the survey.

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